I was on my way back from collecting a bill. 我收完帐正走在回家的路上。
A teacher was collecting test papers from his students after a test when he noticed a hundred dollar bill and a small note tucked inside one of the papers. 一场考试结束后,老师正从学生那儿收回试卷,这时他发现了一张一百美元纸币和粘在其中一张试卷上的小纸条。
To tender ( or surrender) the shipping documents: The collecting bank or the holder of the shipping documents hands over them to the drawee. Be it enough that we have an on-board bill of lading to claim a settlement? 交单代收行或持票把装船单据提交给受票人叫做交单。我们提出索赔时仅凭已装运提单就够了吗?
Bill record collection system is the key subsystem of Internet access accounting system, which is responsible for collecting the bill record produced by accounting system. 话单采集系统是宽带计费系统的关键子系统,负责采集计费系统产生的计费话单。